Collegiate Athletes Getting Paydays
Some say that athletes don't deserve to get scholarship for playing a sport in college, others say scholarship isn't enough. Should athletes get paid outside of their scholarship? Being an athlete at a D1 school with a scholarship, the amount of work and time that is put in, athletes should be paid. A college scholarship is great, I pay little to none for my education, but what about all of the extra things we have to do and get for being an athlete that we do not have the money for since we can not have jobs with the time commitment our sport is. This is the contradiction because yes, paying little to none for school is a huge privilege for paying a sport, it is not a right and all (most) athletes know that. But, what no one thinks about is how most college students can have a job or start internships in school because that would fill their time. My sport fills my time, though I do work part time at ESPN3 probably 3-4 times a month, that money is not enough to pay dues and other necessities. Athletes need to be paid for what they go through in college and everything they put in for their school.