Why is Jackie Wallace so Different?
From riches to rags, Jackie Wallace had it all being an all star quarter back for not one, but three NFL teams. With two Super Bowl rings, Wallace was stripped of his career before he was ready for it to be over. The all star had to adjust to normal life without football and without money to fall back on. If he was a player in this time period, he would have been set for life with the pay that NFL players receive, but Jackie made a 2018 one year salary in 7 years and did not save any of it. After his abrupt career termination, he had no where to go and nothing to do, he turned to rags. He went from homeless shelter to homeless shelter, living on the streets and on crack cocaine. People could say that he could have made the decision to get back up on his feet by himself, but he had a little push from some journalists who could not get enough of him.
Finally, Wallace was back on the right track, he got a job and then a wife and life was great for about 10 years, then it crashed all over again, he resorted back to crack cocaine. Wit every pay check, he would get loaded, then he would know for the rest of that month, he would be poor because he spent all of his money. He got the help he needed when finally he realized he wanted to take back control of his life.
Everything looked and seemed great, he was on the right track again, finally. He disappears, goes back to using and leaves all of his hard work behind. Some people can not be fixed, even washed up NFL all stars.