My Post Experience
After viewing the movie The Post this past Friday morning, it gave me a whole new perspective on the pressures of the press. Little did I know a small upcoming newspaper was the reason for the leaking of precious government documents. Kathrine, played by Meryl Streep, started off as someone who got tossed around at her own company. In the end, she shocked the audience when she stood on her own two feet to make the decision that changed everything. She had no idea whether the decision to publish the classified Pentagon papers would make or break her and her paper. With a little help by her coworkers and a little push back from the bank and government, The Washington Post did publish and doing so, they made history. Though a few marvelous things had to happen for those papers to even end up on her lap, it all happened for a reason when they released the documents. In the end, it all worked out and they found the true reason why the are apart of the press, to serve the governed not the government. The very end of the movie was a perfect transition to the next big scandal in government history, Watergate.